Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What is Biofeedback for Migraines?

What Triggers Migraine Headaches?

Biofeedback for Migraines

What is biofeedback for migraines? It is a modern medical technique designed to alleviate migraines without drugs, surgery, or any sort of poking or prodding. Before we delve further into the treatment, let’s talk more about migraines and what causes them. The severe and painful headaches we refer to as migraines occur in over 10% of the American population, including children. With the condition as prevalent as it is, it is truly remarkable that more has not been accomplished to make migraines preventable. Currently, the best we can do is try and either curb migraines at the root of the problem, or do our best to manage the pain after the onset of these horrible headaches. Here are some common and lesser-known triggers of migraines:

Common Causes
·         Food/Diet
·         Allergies
·         Stress
·         Muscle Tension
·         Sleep Deprivation
·         Light or Smell Sensitivity
·         Alcohol
·         Caffeine
·         Menstruation (in women)

Other Causes
·         Oversleeping
·         Magnesium Deficiency
·         Gluten
·         Hypoglycemia
·         Substance Withdrawal (even caffeine!)
·         Weather
·         Stress Release (also known as “letdown headaches”): proof that life isn’t fair

How Biofeedback Can Help

Now that we know some of the causes of headaches – and how bizarre some of them are – we can move on to a solution-oriented question: What is biofeedback treatment for migraines? First off, biofeedback is an overarching term. Biofeedback refers to the practice of monitoring and retraining your body’s vital functions, enabling them to self-correct and alleviate various problems. When it comes to migraines, doctors are going to look to the brain when attempting to treat the problem. Biofeedback for the brain is called neurofeedback.

So what is biofeedback for the brain, or neurofeedback, going to do for migraine headaches? It’s actually so simple it might amaze you. Every day, your amazing brain initiates and executes countless signals throughout your body. These signals, taking the form of brainwaves, can become slightly distorted over time and repetition. When this happens, problems such as migraines often ensue. The goal of neurofeedback is to get these brainwaves back on track, and this in turn will cut out the migraines. Believe it or not, the therapy sessions are completely painless and noninvasive – but that’s not even the best part. No matter what is triggering your headaches, whether it’s a chronic or hereditary problem, whether its food or stress-based, neurofeedback imparts the tools in your body to fight migraines by itself for the rest of your life. Think that’s too good to be true? Well, so did a lot of doctors and scientists before major research performed over the last decade or so backed it up.

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