What is Post Stroke Syndrome?

Peripheral neuropathic pain: nerve sensitivity
that causes muscle pain, numbness, tingling, burning sensations, and weakness
throughout the nervous system
Spasticity: tightness or stiffness in muscles
causing discomfort and limiting movement
Musculoskeletal pain: pain centralized in the
bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons
BrainCore Therapy recognizes
that surviving a stroke is unfortunately only the first hurdle patients must
overcome in getting their life back to some semblance of normalcy. In addition
to these typical post-stroke symptoms we just discussed, Post Stroke Syndrome
is characterized by thalamic pain syndrome, a neurological disorder that causes
the brain and spinal cord to register various stimuli incorrectly and cause
chronic and agonizing pain throughout the body. It is precisely this condition
that BrainCore Therapy wishes to
treat with neurofeedback.
How Neurofeedback Works
The concept behind BrainCore
Therapy’s groundbreaking treatment is simple: your body knows how to
function properly, and if it has lost its way, we must simply retrain it. That
sounds well and good in theory, but never before have we been able to
accomplish this through such technologically sophisticated means. Neurofeedback
therapy allows doctors to monitor cues and feedback from the body real-time
while patients are taken through a series of guided brain exercises aimed at
correcting brainwave patterns that are causing problems such as Post Stroke
The best part is this: neurofeedback by BrainCore Therapy is all completely painless, noninvasive, and
doesn’t involve any sort of medication. All that is used are small EEG sensors
that hook you up to monitoring devices, all supervised by a doctor. BrainCore Therapy understands that you
have been through enough surviving and recovering from a stroke, and the
ultimate goal of neurofeedback is to give you lasting tools to make each and
every day more comfortable and enjoyable for you as you put your best foot
To learn more about BrainCore
Therapy and their incredible neurofeedback treatment technique for Post
Stroke Syndrome, click here today.
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