Friday, June 27, 2014

The Basics of HEG Neurofeedback

HEG Neurofeedback
HEG neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback training based on the study of blood flow to areas of the brain. This translates into heat in corresponding sections of the brain, picked up by infrared sensors during the training.

HEG, or hemoencephalography, allows the person undergoing the neurofeedback training to see exactly when overstimulation of certain areas of the brain is occurring and allows them to increase the blood flow to other areas of the brain.

The prefrontal cortex, also known as the PFC, is home to the executive functions such as the ability to organize, to make decisions, to focus, and to feel empathy for others. It is also the part of the brain that can temper overstimulation in other sections. This is important because disorders such as anxiety, attention deficit disorder, and out of control anger are connected to exaggerated responses to stimuli. By learning to optimize the activity of the prefrontal cortex through HEG neurofeedback training, that overreaction to external stimulus can be tempered.

Here’s how that training might look: the patient is allowed to view an emotional movie or images meant to evoke a strong emotional reaction in the limbic system; when the heat sensors detect activity in that portion of the brain, the image disappears. In order to bring the image back, the patient is taught to move blood flow into the prefrontal cortex through visualization of energy or warmth flooding that area of the brain. When the PFC is engaged, it tempers the over stimulated limbic system.

With a fully activated prefrontal cortex, the patient is more likely to remain in an alert state with top mental functioning. This also means he may be less susceptible to an over stimulated limbic system and the disorders that can result.

By harnessing the science of hemoencephalography through HEG neurofeedback training, it is possible to bring relief from the symptoms of many troubling emotional disorders.

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