Thursday, February 20, 2014

Easy and Natural Remedies for Headaches

Easy and Natural Remedies for Headaches

Natural Remedies for Headaches
Medications often come with a host of negative side effects, which has left many people searching for easy and effective natural remedies for headaches. Everyone has a different body, and there are a wide range of triggers that could be causing a headache. Luckily, there are many natural and side effect free treatment options available today. 

Capsaicin Cream 

Creams and other organic ointments can be relieving natural remedies for headaches. One particularly effective ointment is capsaicin cream, in which the active ingredient is cayenne pepper. Cayenne is a natural reducer of pain symptoms, because it blocks nerve path signals. Applying a small amount inside the nostril on the side of the head that’s hurting has been shown to provide headache relief. You can also add a drop or two of relaxing essential oils like lavender or chamomile, to help relax you while waiting for the pain to subside. 


Exercise can relieve a number of health problems, and is one of the best natural remedies for headaches. A 2011 study showed that physical activity can actually help prevent migraines altogether. Exercise was shown to be equally as effective as taking prescription preventative medicine. Plus, exercise comes with no adverse side effects, aside from the occasional sore muscle. Keeping a regular work out schedule is a great way to help lower the frequency of your headaches. 

Massage Therapy 

Massage therapy is one of the oldest natural remedies for headaches. Traditional medicine has identified certain trigger points, or muscle knots, that are a common cause of sudden, stubborn aches and pains. A trained massage therapist can help identify and focus on these sensitive areas, and teach you how to target these spots yourself. Massage also helps increase blood and oxygen flow in the body, which can help tense muscles to relax. Targeted massage has been shown to offer great relief for some headache sufferers, particularly those dealing with tension headaches. 

Neurofeedback Therapy 

Neurofeedback therapy is quickly emerging as one of the most effective natural remedies for headaches. This targeted brain training helps redirect brainwaves that have gone astray, and guide them back to a natural, organized pattern. This side effect free therapy results in a more stable and functional brain. It has been shown effective in treating a variety of neurological conditions ranging from panic attacks, to anxiety and migraines.


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