Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Foods That Improve Memory: Key Nutrients for Brain Function

Foods That Improve Memory
It happens to us all as we get older – memories of our youth get hazier, we start to forget appointments and commitments, and we begin to misplace common (but important) items like our keys, wallets, and coats.

There are some people who suffer from disorders of the executive function of the brain, such as depression and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) that have grappled with subpar memory function as long as they have suffered from their particular malady.

Unfortunately, there aren't any prescription drugs that can help improve memory, but there are key nutrients in certain foods that can help. Here is a list of five that can help improve your memory:

1.       Coconuts-It can be fun buying coconuts and splitting them open at home with a hammer, but the most common way to access the benefits of coconuts is by cooking with its oil. Coconut oil has a great balance of energy-producing nutrients and glucose for the brain. Studies suggest that it may be beneficial in preventing Alzheimer's and dementia.

2.       Nuts-Nuts are one of the best foods that improve memory because they are chock full of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, as well as vitamins B6 and E, all of which can help sharpen your memory. One word of caution: peanuts aren't actually nuts! Rather, they are legumes like beans or peas. To get the best memory boost, stick to almonds and walnuts.

3.       Spinach-Spinach is one of nature’s super foods. It prevents damage to cells and DNA, inhibits the growth of certain kinds of tumors, and can prevent or delay dementia. It's an excellent source of vitamin E and folate, and it helps to keep your brain young, flexible, and spry.

4.       Rosemary-The common herb, Rosemary, that is so delicious with pork and chicken, is a powerful member of the group of foods that improve memory. It has been shown to confer brain benefits just in people who smell it – they don't even have to eat it! It helps the brain get the blood it needs, helps regulate your mood, and detoxifies your system.

5.       Tomatoes- These ripe red fruits are packed with an antioxidant called lycopene that has been shown to fight dementia.

Of course there are other foods that improve memory besides the five listed above, but if you are looking for a quick brain boost, you can't go wrong with this list. For the best results, try combinations of these foods! A bit of whole-grain pasta with tomato sauce sprinkled with rosemary and a spinach salad with walnuts and a coconut oil-based dressing? It's not just a delicious meal, but it's made entirely out of foods that improve memory - try it tonight!

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