Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Panic Attacks in Children

panic attacks in children
Panic attacks are a fairly common and treatable condition, but panic attacks in children can be especially alarming. They can also be more difficult to diagnose than panic attacks in adolescents and adults, since children aren’t always able to accurately describe the emotional components of a panic attack.

What Are the Symptoms of Panic Attacks in Children?

Panic attacks in children involve the same symptoms as panic attacks in adults, which include:

·         Pounding or racing heartbeat
·         Intense feelings of fear
·         Fear of dying or losing control
·         Sense of unreality
·         Trembling and shaking
·         Sensations of shortness of breath
·         Dizziness or lightheadedness
·         Feelings of choking, being smothered, or tightness in throat

Because the symptoms are largely physical, a panic attack can easily be mistaken for a more severe medical emergency, such as a cardiac event. Fortunately, panic attacks are not dangerous or life-threatening, even though they are highly unpleasant.

A panic attack is a heightened response to feelings of anxiety and fear. It is essentially a runaway fight-or-flight reaction that spirals out of control. When a person is nervous or afraid, it engages the sympathetic system, causing changes in heart rate and alertness that have to do with the release of adrenaline. When anxiety is intense and overwhelming, this can escalate into a panic attack. Some people may be more prone to panic attacks, a tendency which usually runs in families.

Panic attacks are usually symptomatic of an underlying anxiety disorder. Children, like adults, can develop symptoms of anxiety. Individuals with an anxiety disorder often feel nervous or fearful, and are likely to become excessively or irrationally worried about things in their life.

·         Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the most common anxiety disorder.
·         Panic Disorder is characterized by frequent, recurrent panic attacks, and excessive anxiety about the possibility of having another panic attack.
·         Social Anxiety Disorder involves excessive anxiety in response to social situations and fear of social embarrassment or rejection.
·         Specific phobias are characterized by anxiety in response to a particular fear, such as spiders, heights, or snakes.

Panic attacks in adults are often treated with medications such as SSRIs (Zoloft, Prozac) or benzodiazepines (Xanax); however, these medications are not generally recommended for the treatment of children.

Methods of treating anxiety disorders and panic attacks in children include:

·         Counseling or psychotherapy can help reveal the source of a child’s anxiety, as well as reassuring the child that panic attacks and anxious feelings are not his or her fault because they may suffer from guilt and self-blame.
·         Cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches children skills for dealing with panic attacks and the anxiety that causes them. This includes learning better strategies for dealing with situations that are likely to cause anxiety, which can help prevent panic attacks from occurring in the first place. It can also teach new ways of thinking about stressful or scary situations that can evoke anxiety.
·         Parent guidance can help parents learn about their child’s anxiety and cope effectively with future panic attacks. 

When a child is experiencing a panic attack, it is important for the parent or other accompanying adult to be calm and reassuring. A comforting presence can be extremely helpful during a panic attack. A parent can also help the child with relaxation and breathing techniques. With the help of dedicated professionals and supportive caretakers, children can overcome anxiety and reduce the frequency and severity of panic attacks.

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