Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What Is an EEG Test?

EEG Test

An EEG test, or “electroencephalogram”, is a test that measures electrical activity in the brain. An EEG test produces a readout that graphs the oscillating frequencies of these electrical activities. By looking at these oscillations, physicians can identify abnormalities in order to assess and diagnose a variety of neurological issues. 

What is an EEG Test Used For? 

An EEG test can be a crucial diagnostic tool for many neurological disorders.

·         EEG tests can be used to distinguish between different types of seizures. For example, if a patient appears to have absence seizures, there are certain distinct brainwave patterns in an EEG that a neurologist can look for to determine whether they are “typical” or “atypical” absence seizures.
·         EEG tests are helpful in diagnosing sleep disorders. Different types and stages of sleep produce distinct patterns on EEGs.
·         During surgery, EEG patterns can be used to identify the depth of anesthesia.
·         In patients who are comatose or in a vegetative state, EEG patterns can assess the level of consciousness. This is also important in the context of declaring brain death, which determines whether or not a patient will be kept alive artificially. 

How is an EEG Test Performed? 

An EEG test is carried out in a hospital, laboratory, or doctor’s office. It is a painless, noninvasive procedure.

The patient reclines or lies on their back. Electrodes are attached to the scalp using a special conductive adhesive gel. The electrodes are connected by wires to a machine that records the electrical activity, which is charted as waves on a computer-like screen. Sometimes the electrodes are attached to one another via a cap or net.  

How Do I Prepare for My EEG Test? 

-          Wash your hair the night before your EEG test is scheduled. Refrain from using conditioner, oils, or leave-in products.
-          If you have hair extensions, ask the nurse about specific instructions.
-          Your physician may ask you to stop using one or more of your medications prior to the test.
-          Avoid caffeine for at least 8 hours prior to the test.
-          If you are going to need to sleep during the EEG test, you may be asked to reduce your amount of sleep the night before.

An EEG test is a safe, painless, noninvasive procedure that uses electrodes placed on the scalp to measure electrical activity in the brain. This information can be used to assess and diagnose various neurological and sleep disorders. 


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